Assistance with your Organisation’s OD-process

Organisational development or organisational strengthening is a continuous, structured and planned process of analysis, learning and organisational change. The objective of this process is to improve the ability of the organisation as a whole to analyse and anticipate changes in its environment and to adapt its goals, activities, resources and internal functioning accordingly.


Helping you help your partners, member organisations or divisions

Larger organisations with offices in different countries often feel the need for an approach that allows them to support the organisational development of these divisions. Similarly, network organisations that bring together different member organisations often offer some kind of services or support. In international development and humanitarian work, donor organisations and stronger international Non-Governmental Organisations offer assistance in the form of trainings, international exchanges, investments etc.


ICT for non-profit organisations

Non-profit organisations have to turn around every dime a couple of times before spending it, especially if you have to spend it on something other than helping the people that need it most. This generally means that ICT budgets are limited and small (or even medium) sized organisations simply can’t afford to pay for a full-time ICT person.

Frustratingly, external ICT support often ‘doesn’t get’ what non-profit work really entails. Commercial ICT solutions are generally geared towards business use. This means that talking to ICT professionals can be frustrating.
